Polka is happy music.

Stacy Harbaugh — under the name of DJ Shotski — is a passionate collector of records who lives in Madison, Wisconsin. She shares her collection with others, particularly Dutchman-style recordings from Wisconsin and Minnesota, at events. She is also the host of Polka Time with DJ Shotski which airs live on WVMO-FM 98.7 Sunday nights at 7 p.m. and on radio stations across Wisconsin.

Her background in community radio began in 2005 at WORT-FM 88.9 where she served in various roles including being a host for the Local News, A Public Affair host, 2DUB sub host, and Access Hour all-vinyl specials.

Third place winner of the 2022 Wisconsin Broadcasters Association’s Best Online Personality award.

Contact DJ Shotski at djshotski@gmail.com for a vintage polka party at your bar, event, polkafest or Oktoberfest.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can we get you to play at our event? Contact me for current rates and services. I can provide my own equipment including turntables and amplification. Be sure to check my current show schedule to see if I’m already booked.

Do you play anything besides polka? Yes. I also collect vintage soul, 80’s pop, and a healthy selection of easy listing and vintage Christmas music.

Are you taking or buying records? Always. Any records (45s and LPs) in good condition in the genres above are good for my collection. Will buy by the lot. I’ve had many, many people donate polka records too - I’ve driven all over Wisconsin to give old polka a good home.

Would you donate entertainment for our charity event? No. But I do have a running list of nonprofits and community organizations I support and will donate tips and some proceeds. Charitable priorities include efforts that support music, public and community radio, and efforts to support creative expression for historically underrepresented people.

Do you have a press kit? Yes. Find photos and more on my media page.