DJ Shotski’s guest appearances on radio shows in March

DJ Shotski in the radio studio

One of my goals in 2024 is to “be a guest” as often as I can. I want to spread the gospel of the joy of vintage polka and vinyl records.

In March, I have three opportunities to join kindred spirits on the airwaves to chat about how music moves us.

Please tune in. Bonus points if you can donate during WORT’s winter pledge drive.

Saturday, March 2, 10 p.m. - midnight

Saturday Night Style with DJ Kayla Kush — stream it live on WORT-FM, archives available

Kayla has been a co-DJ with me at events and has been an influential cheerleader in my musical path. We’ll talk about being lady DJs, living a creative life, and the joy of community radio. It will be during a pledge drive and donations thanking Kayla for her musical leadership during her show are appreciated.

Sunday, March 10, 4-5 p.m.

On the Horizon with Helena White — stream it live on WORT-FM, archives available

Helena has been a leader in the community radio and eclectic folk music scene in Madison for many years. She also interviewed the November Criminals back in 2021. I’ll join her on an episode of On the Horizon where we will play some vintage polka vinyl and talk about the upcoming 30th anniversary of polka officially becoming our state dance. This will also be during the late-winter pledge drive, so donations during her show are appreciated. 

Saturday, March 31, 9-9:30 a.m.

Mr. Koppa’s Neighborhood — stream it live on WDRT-FM, archives available

If you haven’t heard Mr. Koppa’s Neighborhood, you have to tune in to my top-top most favorite radio show. Mike Koppa plays easy listening vinyl every Saturday morning at Viroqua’s community radio station AND is the host of “George Ostrusky’s Polka Hour,” a twenty-minute polka party on Friday mornings. He is a major inspiration for what I do. I’ll bring some gems from my record collection and I’ll talk to him about the upcoming 30th anniversary of polka officially becoming our state dance.

Visit my events page to see what’s coming next.


Roll out the Barrels: DJ Shotski on the Abandoned Albums podcast


Polka Time holiday broadcast schedule